QRP transmitter for Boatanchor receivers?
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December 15th 04, 04:51 PM
Scott Dorsey
Posts: n/a
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I've searched the web but haven't found the answer to my
QRP CW question.
I'm looking for a QRP CW transmitter kit that includes QSK and
will mute a boatanchor receiver like an SB-303, SX-101, or 75S-1.
I realize that some receivers might not recover fast enough for
I've looked at website ads for Ramsey, Vectronixs, and still
don't have an answer. They might do it out of the box; they
might do it with a mod but I haven't found the answer.
A couple watts of CW and capable of working with the WA6OTP PTO
Anyone got something like that working?
I have had great luck with a Heathkit signal generator into a key.
BUT, if you want to get really fancy, check out the ARRL mobile manual,
which has a really neat project transceiver. The transmitter section is
based on a 1J6G and has an optional VFO.
The TAB Book on ham radio projects also had a really neat one-tube transmitter
that was hot chassis and built around the sweep tube. No VFO, though.
Actually, plenty of VFOs out there put out enough power to be used as
QRP rigs standalone.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
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