QRP transmitter for Boatanchor receivers?
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December 15th 04, 07:43 PM
Scott Dorsey
Posts: n/a
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I want something like a tuna-tin or peanut whistle QRP
transmitter but with QSK TR and receiver muting. I'm not saying
that the tuna-tin won't work. I don't know if it will or not. The
web articles are not explicit on that point.
I'd like 1 to 5 watts of clean CW produced by a solid state
transmitter. Something that runs on a wall wart would be best.
Crystal controlled would be OK but I've been looking at WA6OTP's
website. He sells a PTO kit. Some folk have adapted it to various
I'm not intested in a transceiver. I want it to work with a
boatanchor receiver like the .35 uv, 400 Hz, 1 kHz analog readout
Heathkit SB-303 or the Collins 75S-1 with a CW mechanical
filter and 1 kHz PTO.
Don't pass by the transceiver projects. Most of them don't really share
anything between the transmitter and receiver sides, so there is no reason
you can't just build the transmit section and leave the receive section.
The trick is QSK, built in TR switch, and receiver muting.
At these power levels, your QSK and TR switching can be done with a
single relay. You are not talking kilowatts here. Your key connects
to a multipole relay which disconnects the receiver and connects the
transmitter to the antenna, keys the transmitter, and supplies a muting
signal to the antenna. Any DP3T relay from the junkbox will work.
Seems that at least one of the QRP CW transmitter kits would include
QSK circuitry to TR and mute a receiver.
There is no circuitry needed. It's just a relay for God's sake.
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