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Old November 21st 05, 02:49 PM posted to
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Default Confused & Annoyed - My new Antenna does not work - What To Do Next ?


Confused & Annoyed - My new Antenna does not work - What To Do Next ?

1. The Bare Wire Antenna Element.
- Are you using Insulators and Nylon-Poly Rope to Rig the Wire ?
- Does the Bare Wire resting on Tree Limbs : This can be
an RF Signal Short.
- It is good practice to have the Bare Wire Antenna Element
at least 3-5 Feet away from everything.

2. The Balun
- What Type of Balun Ready-Made or Home-Made ?
- Besides the Coax Cable Connector on the Balun
how many other connectors are on the Balun ?
- Are these other Connectors Labeled ? Antenna and Ground ?
- Did you connect the Balun the Right way or did you
Reverse it by Accident ?
- Make sure that you did not connect the Coax Cable's
Inner Conductor to the Ground Connector of the Balun.
- Test the Balun for simple Shorts and Continuity with
an Ohm Meter.

3. The Coax Cable
- What Type of Coax Cable and Connectors ?
- Check the Coax Cable Connectors for Defects and Shorting.
- Inspect the Coax Cable along it's full length for
Damage and Defects.
- Test the Coax Cable for simple Shorts and Continuity
with an Ohm Meter.

4. Temporary {External} Wire Whip Antenna - Test One
- Disconnect the Coax Cable from the Balun.
- The use a 5-15 Foot piece of Insulated Wire with a
small Clip or Pin on one end to connect to the Center
Pin of the Coax Cable Connector.
- Rig the piece of Wire Straight-Up or at a 45* Angle
like a Whip Antenna.
- Connect the Coax Cable to the Radio.
- Re-Test the Radio's reception with this Temporary
Wire Whip Antenna.

5. Temporary {External} Wire Whip Antenna - Test Two
- Re-Connect the Coax Cable to the Balun.
- Disconnect your Wire Antenna Element and Connect
the 5-15 Foot piece of Insulated Wire to the Balun.
- Rig the piece of Wire Straight-Up or at a 45* Angle
like a Whip Antenna.
- Connect the Coax Cable to the Radio.
- Re-Test the Radio's reception with this Temporary
Wire Whip Antenna and Balun.

"IF" All of the Above Work and Test OK - Then Take Down
and Re-Rig your Wire Antenna Element using :
- An Insulator at the Balun and Ground Stating Point.
- An Insulator at the Top-Corner-Point.
- An Insulator at the Top-Far-EndCorner-Point.
- Use Nylon-Poly Rope with the Insulators and have
a 3-5 Feet piece of Rope between the Insulators and
the Mounting-Point Structures.
- Rig the Bare Copper Wire so that it is at least
3-5 Feet away from all Buildings, Structures, Tree
Limbs and other Wires.

Finally - If all else Fails replace the Bare Copper Wire
with Insulated Copper Wire an and Re-Rig the Wire
Antenna Element Again.

APIWATW - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words :

Picture of an Inverted "L" Antenna Set-Up and Rigging

Picture of a Random Wire Antenna Set-Up and Rigging

hope this helps ~ RHF
.. .
= = = In ,
= = = "solarwavecdn" grahameb@t... wrote:

Well I have to admit I am ticked off. I spent the weekend
stringing an inverted L longwire between the house and a
couple of trees. Antenna is 30' up, 75' long, bare stranded
copper, is grounded to the outside copper water pipe, has
a 4:1 balun then 75ohm coax to the receiver.

Receiver is ICOM PCR 1000 and is itself grounded to inside
copper water pipe.

I start to do some SWL'ing and the recpetion of the
"easiest" SW stations is crap!!. Signal strength=1.

I put up my telescoping antenna and attach 20' of
insulated stranded copper wire, run in diagonally
across the living room, no ground and the signal

Go figure???

Ask away whatever questions you feel prudent because
I am at a complete loss.

An annoyed Grahame Booth
Calgary, Aberta, Canada
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Tous Sont Bienvenus ! - - - Groupe par Radio
d'auditeur d'onde courte pour des Antennes de SWL
Alle Sind Willkommen ! - - - Shortwave Radiozuhörer
Gruppe für SWL Antennen
Tutti Sono Benvenuti ! - - - Gruppo Radiofonico
dell'ascoltatore di onda corta per le Antenne di SWL
Todos São Bem-vindos ! - - - Grupo de Rádio
do ouvinte do Shortwave para Antenas de SWL
Все *адушны ! - - - Группа оператора
на приеме коротковолнового диапазона
Radio для Aнтенн SWL
¡Todos Son Agradables! - - - Grupo de Radio del oyente
de la onda corta para las Antenas de SWL
= = = = = Translation = = = = =
All are Welcome - - - To Join the Shortwave Listeners
(SWL) Antenna Group on YAHOO !
.. .