UPS Rate Increase
Beerbarrel wrote:
Uhmmm, the war in Iraq hasn't cost $8.9 trillion... You really
are mentally rather lazy there senior.
This isnt the war cost, this is how much Mr Bush has cost us since he
has been in power.Did you even READ the LINK?
You are really pathetic but you cant change the numbers or performance
of our President.
Bush started out with billions of dollars surplus from Mr. Clinton.
This should surprise no one, Bush's Father had us in the hole too. It
took a Democrat 8 years to get things balanced and the present Prez
****ed it all away.
He squandered it all, giving tax cuts to the rich and oil companies and
so on AND getting us into a war that we didnt need to start. Now we are
8 trillion in the hole with no end in sight.
Lazy Senior