CB antenna for my house...Deed restriction...
"james" wrote in message
On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 11:04:54 -0000, "The Magnum"
+ Right now the best antenna to put up for VHF use is a log periodic
+ that can look like a TV antenna. //snip//
+In the UK I believe even putting up a TV antenna is against the tenancy
+rules as some, especially in flats, have to share a communal aerial. I
+know if its different in the States.
+Radio is only a Hobby. Don't let it rule your life...
+73's - Graham
Here across the big pond we have a clause in our constitution called
the commerce clause. Congress ruled that a homeowners association
could not pass rules and regulations restricting federal commerce.
Over the air television is regulated by the FCC, a federal agency, and
therefore restricting outside antennae at one's personal residence was
against the US Constitution. This did apply to residential single
family dwellings. Apartment complexes did not fall under this ruling.
Here in the US many deed restricted land usage restricted outside TV
antennae for basically aesthetic purposes only. They felt they were
quite ugly. That was changed in 1996.
Hi James,
The aesthetic argument was why they didn't allow private aerials over here.
I must be honest and say I don't know if this is still the case but it used
to be a few years back.
Radio is only a Hobby. Don't let it rule your life...
73's - Graham