UPS Rate Increase
old men,women and children dont care how much it costs when they are dead.
how bout you?
"toxcrusadr" wrote in message
| Back to the math, my calculations show that a $9 trillion total
| national debt with 300 million people is $30,000 for every man, woman
| and child - from babies in the cradle to old people, taxpaying or not.
| Family of 4, that's $120,000 owed to the nation's creditors.
| If the war costs $200 billion (pulled that out of my butt, but it's way
| more than the initial $87B), that's $666 for every man, woman and
| child. Nice round number huh. :-)
| I wonder what the vote would have been if it had not been in Congress
| but by a vote of the people, worded thus, "Should the government charge
| you $666 for each man, woman and child in your household, to attack a
| country that has never attacked the United States, with whom we are not
| currently at war? BTW this is in addition to the current war in
| Afganistan."
| It would have been 299 million against.
| Tox