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Old November 22nd 05, 06:07 AM posted to
an old friend
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Default more stevei lies

K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ and N0IMD back and forth....Starting with me.....

Jim Miccolis has NEVER called the putz anything BUT "Len" or
"Leonard" or any other abbreviation of his name that Lennie didn't
himself use, yet Lennie's pelted him for YEARS with NUMEROUS
diminutives. You have too, yet I have NEVER seen Jim refer to YOU as
anything except "Brian", "Burke", or by your callsign.

We'll start with you. Once you've reformed, we'll work with Jim.

the below is from stevie
Or is this just another "I Sure Hope My Family Won't Ever See How
I REALLY Behave" redirects?

You've got 24 hours to apologize and promise not to do so again.

So I guess THIS is the "direct answer" to the "direct question"...

Why am I not surprised...?!?!

Steve, K4YZ

Whatever made me think you'd behave yourself?

Two things come to mind:

(1) If you were REALLY that concerned, you would have done a
"Markie" and changed the subject line.

and what did I have to do with this attack thread of yours

This now makes the FIFTH
response with your name and call in it. Obviously it's NOT that big an
issue for you.

but he doesn't like it you know you choose to do it

(2) What MISbehave? Did I call you a bad name? Did I threaten

stop lyingso badly you sack of ****
No. I asked you a question that the HONEST answer to is going
to be embarrassing to you. THAT'S too bad, but it seems to be YOUR
norm here, too! You make all of these insulting insinuations of your
own, yet seem to think that it's all one sided.

So....the question STILL stands (as do a dozen others which you've
never anwered, but I am hopeful...) What is YOUR excuse for using
diminutives towards others that DON'T use them towards you?

none needed no exucse is needed to responf to insulting language with
insulting langage

no one promise dyou you youd be called stevie if youcontinue to act
like a spolied brat

why do you expect answers to question when you will not answer any

for 7 years the question has stood before you "what has anyone sexual
orienetaion got to do with radio?"

Steve, K4YZ