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Exactly my point. When arguing, uh... discussing... uh, having a
food-fight over politics the truth is a great deal more useful than
wishful thinking and shoddy anecdotes. However it is not terribly
popular nor terribly effective at changing 'popular perception' as any
campaign manager will tell you. For that, one needs mud, deception and
many shades and distortions of 'facts'.
The damnable part of all this is that none of it was actually
necessary. But 'we' are in it now. Clinton could not keep it in his
pants and got impeached and survived the experience. GWB could not keep
in in his pants, and 2000+ American Military are dead along with
thousands of American civilians, and tens of thousands of innocents of
several stripes. Which do you _honestly_ think is worse?
Never get into a fight with a guy littler than you are. If you win you
are a bully, if you lose you are a bum. And either way the other kids
in the playground either fear or ridicule you. If everything we need to
know we learned in Kindergarten, that is one lesson missed on Capitol
Hill & the White House.
Peter Wieck
Wyncote PA