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Old November 23rd 05, 01:07 PM posted to
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Default OK, Brian...Let's See How You Dodge This One

K4YZ wrote:

That's his right. But there's a lot of baggage to drag around with
claims of seven hostile actions and he can't mention the particulars of
one of them. Some of the baggage includes not even believing him about
clathing issue. Hi!

The only "issue" you have at your disposal to play with is my
refusal to discuss certain aspects of my military service. Everything
else has been dispositioned with references to third party sources that
can verify my claims.

That you refuse to use them is your problem, not mine.

Steve, you are so unbelievable on so many different levels that we get
to decide what to believe and what to discard. And most of what you
utter in here is completely discardable.


You'd PREFER that it be discardable, however the truth is that if
you followed up on it, you'd have nothing to rant and rave about.

Starting off with verifying my previous MARS calls and

However I guess you figure that there's SOME way that I managed to
"corrupt" those resources? All THREE headquarters for MARS programs?

And "clathing"...?!?!

More Mark Morgan phonetics?

True to form, you go after the really important stuff.

Sorry, Brian. It was like a zit on the tip of the nose of a
supermodel...You can't help but notice...

Interesting that nonebody had come in with U.S. amateur radio is
expressly forbidden to use any cryptographic means to obscure
the meaning of communications. Not to worry. Hans will be
along shortly to quote chapter and verse from Part 97...

Extra Dick/W0EX, RIP, had a work-around to that rule. He went on for
months about how to thwart those pesky No-Code Technicians trying to
decode his Morse enCoded transmissions with a 'puter.

It will be interesting to see if Markie jumps in and accuses you
of "defiling" Dick.

I don't use the memory of W0EX in a joke.

Nor did I. You just insulted him for his pointing out Morse
readers can be defeated.

I mentioned his callsign was coming available for reassignment. I
further wished him well "wherever he is..."

You're welcome to respond to this comment with a quote from the
post where you allege I made a "joke" with him, Brian...but hey...We
know you won't...Well...CAN'T, actually....

I just mentioned his old call was about to be eligible for
reissue, and he (Col. Pagan) went on and on about "defiling" the

Incorrect. You made a joke about the 10th district calls, using Dick
in a comparison. Bully for you.

No, I didn't.

I've used YOU as a comparison. I just pointed out Dick's old call
was available in February, 2006. That's a fact.

Steve, K4YZ