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  #21   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 04, 05:14 AM
Posts: n/a

The transmitter can work without a separate rectifier. I recall a circuit
from the 30's in which the transmitter tube is used also as the rectifier.
I think it was in the RCA handbook. I sort of recall an 813 tube, but that
may have been a bit early for the 813. Even in those days, it was not
"state of the art".

Now, I will have to look for the circuit, but the oscillator tube can also
serve as the rectifier. It complicates things a bit and is not in any of
the Handbooks. Never have seen a 6L6 circuit configured that way, but it
can be done and was done in the 30's in at least one circuit.

Colin K7FM

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