On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 03:15:09 UTC, Bill M
No Spam wrote:
I saw a "catalin" table radio sell on eBay for over $20,000.
These are plastic AM table radios in weird colors. Apparently
collectors, whoever they are, are collecting these, for whatever
Investment vehicle. The guy who pays 20 grand will be selling it for 30
in the not too distant future. Most catalin sets have a lot of frequent
flyer miles since they change hands so much.
You're saying what they're doing but I still do not understand the
mania. Somewhere, is there someone who values those ugly catalin
radios? Why? Why does that end-user want it?
I can imagine a rack of, say, 5 Heathkit SB-220's. Contest station
look. At current eBay prices, that might be $3,000 for all five.
For $5,000, you could probably get 5 Alpha 374's.
Is a $20,000 catalin radio really worth more than 20 Alpha 374's?
I'm glad that collectors haven't discovered boatanchor radios yet.
de ah6gi/4