Hey Markie...
Where in this:
Reckon why Markie's spelling improves in his demented sex personals?
You be the judge:
Nov 23, 5:37 am show options
Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.policy
From: "K4YZ" - Find messages by this author
Date: 23 Nov 2005 03:37:35 -0800
Local: Wed, Nov 23 2005 5:37 am
Subject: Markies spelling troubles
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Steveo wrote:
Reckon why Markie's spelling improves in his demented sex personals?
You be the judge:
That was several years ago in Illinois...Markie had one of the
neighborhood kids coming in and doing his typing for him (his
hillarious "typist pool")
Markie now lives in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan. I am sure
the neighborhood there is much smaller and it's harder for a "man" of
Markie's preferences to "function" without drawing the attention of the
neighbors, ergo harder to get one of the kids to enter the house
without parental oversight.
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Reckon why Markie's spelling improves in his demented sex personals?
You be the judge:
what has sexuality got to do with radio
...do you see anything about RADIO being discussed...?!?!
The comments were not even directed TO you!
Steve, K4YZ