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Old November 24th 05, 12:04 AM posted to,
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a
Default Regulation-by-Bandwidth Petition Filed by ARRL

"The Magnum" wrote in message

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message

"anon" wrote in message

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message

I really don't care one way or the other about code - but most folks

idea how much information can be passed via that keyer. In my day,

dang near as much info in a given time as a teletype.
/////// B.S. Snipped here/////////

Oh how the tales of dariing do and "how great I am" grow
taller and taller and more spectacular, as the years go by
and more alcohol is ingested..........ROTFLMAO!

Didn't take you long to reply. Who's ingesting alcohol? I've to go to

tomorrow morning (like 5:00 AM). What is your excuse?

Wow thats early. I dont need to get into work until 8am. Not a dustman are

I've put perfect copy on paper using a manual typewriter at 40 words per
minute. A number of minutes' worth. My mention of 40 or 50 words per
minute was a reference to some of the wonder boys whose great exploits
simply consist of 'cut and paste' on the Internet.

If that is adiquate then whats wrong with cut and paste? Only an idiot

sit there re-typing out something that could just as easily be cut and
pasted unless it was an original work of course.

I'm simply saying that a good operator can likely keep up with most

that are trying to enter original content and not simply pass along a
digital picture, or a 'cut-and-paste' from someone else.

A good operator? Depends on your impression of a good operator. A good
operator to me is someone who uses the radio sensibly, stays legal and

about interference and deals with it if caused. Someone who goes on about
ooh i can do this or i can do that trying to put themselves above other
operators in my opinion have a vanity problem. As far as pictures go id
rather use the internet as its a more appropriate media for that.

Then again, original content might be something you aren't familiar


With due regard,

Also with due regard and no disrespect intended. Just my 10p worth.

Radio is only a Hobby. Don't let it rule your life...

73's - Graham

Hello, Graham

I couldn't agree with you more

73 from Rochester, NY