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Happy thanksgiving to everyone.
I ran across this post on the web today and I thought it would be a
good thing to pass along to others. It is kinda random, but it made me
think of how lucky I am to be here now with my family. I am gratefull
for every second that I am here in the good old USofA.
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Take a few minutes before you start your thanksgiving dinner tomorrow
to reflect on our lives as we live them in the 21st century. Our time
here in the grand scale of infinite time is just a heartbeat. Maybe a
few carefully chosen words tomorrow may inspire others who we spend
thanksgiving with to reflect on their lives as well. We desperately
need to understand our own good fortune. Rather than count the things
we do not have we should smile on those that we do have. These times
are difficult, but they are our times and we will survive them in spite
of the harshness that surrounds us.
We need to be thankfull of what we have as we recognise the misfortune
of others. We should take the time and appreciate the sacrifices that
others have made for our well being. Our immediate concerns of course
are for those closest to us. Our brothers, sisters, parents, and
children. We need to be thoughtfull of others as well. Those in the
USA, and those not. There are many here among us on this planet who
have lost so much this year. Floods, fires, sunami, war, genocide,
missing children, sickness and the list goes on and on and on. This
has been an especially difficult year worldwide. As a nation we deeply
grieve our losses to the confrontations in the middle east. Mothers,
fathers, sons, daughters, friends, lovers, soldiers, humans, men and
women lost. Personel tradgedy is all around us as well with the
situation in New Orleans being just one example. How will we all
survive? Help others to cope with their difficulties and our own
sorrows will be lessened.
Say a prayer for those no longer with us and keep your thoughts on
those who have lost so much. Be thankfull for what you have and reach
out to others who are less fortunate. If you have a chance to comfort
others then please do not squander your chance. If you are able to
give then please do so. You will find comfort in helping others. We
are a nation of givers and help is just one of the things we Americans
are so very good at.
As you pick up your knife and fork and begin to eat put these thoughts
of difficulty behind you. Enjoy the time that you spend with your
loved ones but keep the theme of the day close to your heart. Remember
out heretige. The first settlers to this great country had little
beyond nothing, but there was no lack of thanks among them. As the
days wear on don't relagate thanksgiving to just another holiday past,
and another turkey next year. Be thankfull every day that you are an
American and reach out to those who need your help.
God Bless You
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Happy thanksgiving to everyone.
Right on. And tanks, Happy Thanksgiving.