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Old November 24th 05, 10:06 AM posted to,
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Default UPS Rate Increase

Tim Mullen wrote:

By and large I stay out of politics. Hell, I don't even live
in America -- I live in New York City. But this "What have they
offered?" always bugs me.

"Offering" in this sense means a sound bite or slogan that
can be reduced to a media headline. Which is never the whole
truth and nothing but the truth. C'mon, Bill! I know you don't
really believe any viable solution to the problems of the modern
world can be reduced to 500 words or less. Any offered plan in
this sense is simply playing to mass sentiment, and bereft of
the details needed to make it work.

Now let's go get 'em! You know, THEM!!!

I'll take 250 words of anybody's mass sentiment pitch if they don't
include worn out homilies that only mention bashing 'the Bush
administration' and 'quagmire' as THE platform.
I don't expect any mortal to have the answers but I'd sure like to see
someone who pretends to have a better option.

No one does...ummm, maybe because they know better. What if a major Dem
were to surface and say "Lets pull out tomorrow, lock, stock and barrel.
Let those *******s go thru civil war until they get their ****
together". Now wouldn't that ring as loud a Conservative Bell as a
major RePub saying "kill them all and let Allah sort 'em out" ?

Seems to be the same thing to me.

Waxing political, I happen to think the answer is dividing up the
hellhole like was done in the Balkans because these factions just aren't
gonna agree on anything as a whole. That doesn't prevent the nutty
voluntary martyrs with a belt of explosives from doing their deeds - but
at least it provides a mechanism for the US to get the heck out of
there...which is now becoming more of a focus.

Maybe we are getting close. This summit in Cairo where the guys asked
for a timetable for US withdrawal was a good sign. If the 'official'
Iraqi gubmnit (FWIW) were to ask this we should assign another 100,000
troops to go over there and help the troops pack their bags and be out
of there tomorrow. I think the Iraqi authorities are much more credible
in that regard and see the extended US occupation as a problem rather
than a solution.

Zeroing back to the point. Bush ain't gonna back down. He can't
politically. Its up to you Dems to find some leadership to make this
happen. So strap on a pair of balls and kwitcher-bitching and quit
forking up uniquely Northeastern woosie french-fag-type candidates like
Kerry and that high-school cheerleader guy from Vermont. Bush's
satifaction rating is in the 30% range and I don't see any Dem
capitalizing on that. Do you guys need a book or something?