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Old November 24th 05, 03:20 PM posted to
Chuck Harris
Posts: n/a
Default fresh boatanchors, anyone?

Lazy Senior wrote:
Ron in Radio Heaven wrote:

Lazy Senior wrote:

Gosh I must really bug you
Lazy Senior

I know for sure that this continuous BS is bugging ME
and probably a lot of other people too.

Drop it and let's go back to talking about BAs.


Beerbarrel, Uncle Pete, and Chuckee seem to have a grudge against me and
wont stop. Every post I do they want to humilate me. And I never back
from a fight....

I beg your pardon! You are the one that seems to have a grudge
against the world. You come storming into this group, asking for
opinions, and then get all huffed when the opinions you receive
disagree with your own.

You make political statements that are guaranteed to draw a heated
response, and then get all flustered when they do.

You complain about what a cesspool usenet is, and how this group has
no value, and then you start leaving your brown ducks in our pond.

I have been a contributing member of this group for 3-4 years,
but since your arrival, you have offered nothing of value to anyone....Nothing!

When I asked a simple question about a Swan 350 (knowing that there
were a few Swan 350 users on this group) you took that as an opportunity
to make derisive remarks about me owning a Swan.

Where are your posts with content?
