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Old November 24th 05, 03:55 PM posted to
Jay in the Mojave
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Default Another Bitchen AMP!

Hello All: dZViewItem

Here is a QRO HF-2500 DX Linear Amplifier, GREAT!

This amp can be modified to have a small step up transformer, in the
input circuit, just like the Pride DX-300 that uses a step up
transformer. Allowing a stock radio to drive the amp to its full output,
PLUS! But the Pride DX-300 only uses a single 4CX250, with a 500 to 700
watt output with a fresh tube.

The Pride DX-300 is at click on amp info,
then Pride.

The QRO HF-2500 DX uses two each 4CX800 Tubes, and with the right little
mod to add a step up transformer in the input circuit like the Pride
has, I am sure the 2500 watt scale on the Bird would be buried with just
a stock radio. Isn't Technology GREAT!

Would make a great project, clean output with low drive, oh yeah! Think
about all those cheap crappie amps blowing a fuse, shorting out the high
voltage, smoking up the house, and the costly repairs, sweep tubes at 80
dollars a piece, TILT! In would be money well invested, in the long run.

I am gonna send Santa an e-mail asking for one.

Or maybe ya could put a set of 4CX800 Tubes in a Pride DX-300 with a
separate power supply, now that I would pay to see. Or a set of 4CX400
Tubes, another great project!

Happy Thanksgiven to all and God Bless.

Jay in the Great Mojave Desert, ....just down the road ah ways from the
fillin station.

Miss Dinah down at the fillin station says Heah to everyone, must have
got her antenna up and running, sounds good!