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Old November 24th 05, 04:56 PM posted to,
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Default UPS Rate Increase

On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 15:06:57 GMT, Steve B. wrote:

On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 03:18:01 -0500, "Phil B"

Well said Mr. Liberal! Want to share the cat food?

I (and at least half the population of the US) am sick and tired and
extremely offended by the right-wing, neo-conservative, propaganda slant
that equates the word "liberal" with various *expletive deleted* words. Fact
is, most of us are moderates. Extreme left and extreme right orientation is
much smaller. Anyone with at least an IQ of 100 will look at both sides and
draw conclusions from both. You neo-conservative bozos are going to pay
dearly in the next big election. I classify my political views as "extremely
moderate". I have voted for republicans and democrats based on their stance.
Lately I tend to vote for democrats as a statement against the whacko neo
republicans who have gained favor (for whatever unknown reason) in the last
couple of years. Anyone conservatively oriented should wake up and return to
real conservative political values and reject the "neo" crap and the
"evangelical Christian" crap. Otherwise, you are going down!

Phil B

I find it funny that you complain about the way conservatives try to
portray the word liberal and then you turn around in this posts and
your next post and do the exact same thing to the word conservative.
You are the reason I don't and won't vote for a liberal. You are
allowed all the negative rhetoric you wish to throw out but if someone
on the other side fires back you run crying to your mommy 'cause the
big bully is being mean to you.

Steve B.

Hehehehe...funny and true!