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Old November 24th 05, 04:29 PM posted to
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Default An English Teacher

K4YZ wrote:

The "modern" Extra class license was added in the 1951 restructuring
also added the Novice and Technician class licenses. The code test
for the Extra was set at 20 wpm at that time.

That's what Len said. But when you say it, it just takes longer.

No, it wasn't, but that's OK. We know you were trying to "cover"
Lennie's "six".


Why? Because the older-timers influencing
the NAAR lobbyists thought they were hot snit for amateur
radio because so many had been professional telegraphers.

No, that's not true at all.

It does have that appearance.

Some men in "drag" have a certain "appearance", however certain
OTHER truths remain.

So with your "argument".

What does sexuality have to do with this discussion?

Why don't hams working for the FCC have
to put away their licenses as to not incur a conflict of interest?
That would like having a big oil president and vice president holding
oil stocks.

I am sorry.

Was there a point here?

Is there some evidence of a licensed Amateur trying to
inappropriately influence the actions of the Commission? Or was that
just a feigned pass...?!?!

Some facts, please?

Your DD Form 214 would be a fact. Your assertions are not.

It was a way of keeping the old pro status past retirement.
Since they were already skilled in telegraphy, they got a free
set of perquisites in a HOBBY activity.

What about the thousands of others - like myself - who earned the
license because we wanted the privileges? In my case, that was
in 1970, at the age of 16.

You mom and dad provided you with three hots and a cot. Unless you
were raised in an orphanage where the Christians or the County provided
the three hots and a cot.

Again...A point? (other than the poor grammar?)

But poor grammar was the point, Steve. It was a carefully layed traps
to bring out the "Net Cop" in you.

Prove that the "old First Phone" examination was "less hard"
than the Amateur Extra exam. You never completed that last
test element on your alleged Commercial radio operator license
and could only get a SECOND class.

Kindly prove that the old Amateur Extra was less difficult than the old
First Phone.

Heil, quit being the snotty lil kid trying to turn tables. That
makes YOU look dumb. I took all the test elements for a First
'Phone 49 years ago. I've seen the test elements for an Extra
of that time.


Back then those test elements were only given by FCC examiners. They
were not legally available to folks like you (outside of FCC). In fact,
back then
FCC required 2 years' experience as a General or higher license just to
the Extra test.

Dick Bash disagreed with you then and he disagrees with you now.


Dick Bash disagreed with the federal government.

He violated federal law in the process. He should have gone to
prison a long time ago.

You missed the point. Len was capable of seeing the Extra material of
the time.

The Commercial license was still more difficult
than the amateur...NOT because I took any, but because the
Commercial license covered a LOT more EM territory, a LOT more
modes in Commercial radio then.

But you don't really know because you didn't take both. Some of those
who *did*
take both say the Extra written was "harder".

It's important that you should work harder for a hobby endeavor than
for a commercial endeavor.

Now, thanks to Dick Bash and a whole generation of Burger
King'ers, we don't have to do either.

The ARRL is a Burger King'er?

"A Morse Code Exam would be a barrier to Morse Code use." N2EY

I agreed with you then and I agree with you now.

And I disagree with you now as then.

Steve, K4YZ

Of course you do. That's what defines you.