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Old November 26th 05, 10:00 AM posted to
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Default Your not alone with black unrest

"The Magnum" wrote...

It was a fancy dress party and yes.. he did, but he didnt mean any offence
by it. Sure if he had thought about it he would have realised the upset it
would have caused some people but most people wouldnt have made a fuss. It
was simply because of who he was and the chance for some high profile
headlines. Ive dressed as a Nazi and flown a nazi flag on a few of the Fritz
von nasty foxhunts ive been involved on with CB.. but there was no intent
or malice behind it. Oh and i never got headlined because im not royalty.

One of the problems with being famous is that you cannot take a dump without
someone taking a photo and making some headline out of it. There are people
in this country who believe that members of the royal family should not act like
us mere mortals.

Considering the publicity over talking to plants, speaking his mind about architecture
and having a rather different "garden shed", I am surprised that the press have not
made more of his membership to that association.
I am sure that they could have made some great headline involving the routine
he used to gain membership... anything involving a member of the royal family
"palming his balls" has to be a wonderful headline.

