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Old November 26th 05, 07:01 PM posted to,,
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Default AWA Contest- Caution

To those of you who were planning to join the AWA CW contest over the next
two weekends be aware that it is a members only event. I just learned so
today. Be careful not to intrude and work someone.(see emails below)

I will be testing out my new Hartley and look forward to anyone else (Member
or not) who want to communicate with Old Time rigs.I will try not to intrude
upon their contest frequencies

This is in no way a shot at Marc who was kind enough to point out the rules
to me.

As a former (for no particular reason) member who has attended the Rochester
meet I have listened to the complaints about AWA over the last few years and
not thought much about them one way or the other. But I now do see why
people complain that they act as an exclusive group.

Yes, I know I could join again and play in the sandbox the next two
weekends, but to be honest I'm not sure I care to anymore.

From: Carl Nord ]
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 12:11 PM
To: '
Subject: [AWA] Contest


In all sincerity, thank you for the clarification as well as the others who
were kind enough to fully respond to my question. There certainly were some
rather unhelpful initial responses.

I will continue to finish my HB Hartley this weekend but will make sure (as
a former member) that I abide by the AWA rules and endeavor not to intrude
on the frequencies and work any of the AWA members.

That being said I will be on the air next weekend and perhaps some of the
other non- AWA members might like to pick a frequency to exercise our OT

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] On Behalf Of MARC ELLIS
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 11:53 AM

Subject: [AWA] Contest

Hello all--

I've seen the recent queries posted about the AWA 1929 QSO party.

I guess I should jump in and try to clear this up, though I have no official
connection with the AWA ham contests.

Our new AM QSO party, being chaired by Gary Carter, is the only one open to
all hams. The other contests, including the 1929 QSO party, are open to
members only.

The only reason you will find the dates of the QSO party on our web site is
that we had to correct the wrong dates that were accidentally sent to the
Journal and printed there. Frequencies, times, scoring info, etc are in the
Journal but never posted on the site for obvious reasons.

Logs are sent out by contest chairman John Rollins only to previous
participants or members who are newly applying for them.

Friends, this is a public service announcement only. I definitely don't want
to get involved in discussions about the right or wrong of this, nor would
it be appropriate for me to do so. Suffice it to say that John and the AWA
have very good reasons for restricting the contest , though I can also see
the other side of the questrion.

Marc Ellis, N9EWJ
Editor, The AWA Journal