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Old November 27th 05, 04:36 AM posted to,,,
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Default Electric Lines and Gas Pipes To Carry Internet To Princeton Illinois

At that distance you don't even need a 100 watts to elimate their interent
completely. The old saying if it causes interference it can be interfered
with. I had a leaky cable company amp on the power in front of my rural
house. And every time I keyed up on 2 meters everyone up and down the street
lost their cable. And they did hear me clear as a bell too, turned out there
wasn't anything any government agency would do ecept tell the complainers to
call their cable provider. They had it fixed in hours after that. They have
no protection from interference on a closed system and had they interferred
with my 2 meter station they would have had to shut it down immediately as
they are not to interfere outside of their system period.
My neightbour had one of those internal broadband system for distributing
interent with in his house over the power lines. I caused him so much grief
and it turned out the units where not legal in Canada or the USA. Turned out
they were a cheap Chinese copy of a system that was approved but operated in
near the 2.4 ghz on a very low level hardwired system. He called to file a
complaint and the Industry Canada (Canada's form of the FCC) they wanted the
number off the sticker on the back of it and then paid him a visit a couple
of days later. I knew the inspectro so he stopped over for a visit and a
coffee and told me all about what had happened. It pays to have friends in
the right places, hi, hi.
I don't think this BPL is going to make it as the technology is not yet
prefected to the point where they will not cause interference on very broad
spectrul of the hf, vhf and uhf bands. Motorola has the means and the
technology but their system works up in the giga hertz where the bandwidth
can be used without interferrring with hardly anything or anyone. Why do you
think it's been outlawed in Japan and Austrailia, specially Japan the most
advance electronics country in the world. do you honestly think it will last
in North Amercia in either country. Do you remember how much of the radio
frequency spectrum is assigned to the military, well do you think they will
tolerate any kind of interference at all? Not likely and they will make darn
sure you don't have the ability to in the future as well.
And then there are the other countries of the globe, it is written that
no country shall willingly or unwillingly cause interference with the radio
service of another country. Also there is the hf radio broadcast spectrum
that is very much a part of the 40 meter band, do you really think they will
tolerate interference. It's the bottom line, if the USA and Canada adopt the
idea that we can interfere with anyone else, I wonder how long our
exportable products will be sold in those countries. Without exports where
will our economies go, who's going to be able to afford to pay for an ISP
who caused you to loose your job.

Sorry about the long windedness, but this is going to disappear, for one do
you really think the airline industry will put up with an ISP interfering
with their comunications, not likely. And that's just one example, there are
the police, fire and ambulance, the FBI, CIA, RCMP, FAA the list could go on
and on.
Before long those that choose to turn it on will have it shut off more than
it's on. And then it becomes a black hole for the investors.
If they can put internet 100 miles outside of Anchorage Alaska, or on Elsmer
Island, which is 300 miles south of the North Pole where there are no hydro
poles or wires, they can put it anywhere without interfering with anyone.

I'm gone


"Phil Kane" wrote in message
On 26 Nov 2005 12:48:03 -0800, policy-ham wrote:

"I'm much more active on the Interent now because the speed is much
better than with dial-up," said Leslie Lund, who began using BPL in
March. "I don't get interference, even when my husband uses his power

Fire up a full-power 1500W RTTY transmitter on 80 meters next door
and see if she can make the same statement.....

73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane