Best SWL RCVR to buy?
I agree with David he if portability is an issue (and you're
looking for above average portable performance), then you would be
advised to look toward the Eton E1.
You might also look into getting your hands on a used Drake SW8
receiver. It's a significantly bulkier than the Eton. In terms of
size and layout, it's much like your average tabletop, but it can be
run off 6 D cells and has a handle. Bear in mind that this model,
which first came into production in, I believe 1994, underwent some
design changes from 1997 (sychronous selectable sideband was added, as
opposed to double-sideband synch in the earlier models, and also a
pre-amp to the internal whip was added from 1996). I've got one of the
earlier and one of the latter. Both are excellent, but clearly the
sychronous selectable sideband is a significant performance enhancing
feature. The SW8 sounds great for program listening, as well.
OregonMike wrote:
one more thing I forget to mention as a "must" is
(5) portability.
I'd like to be able to take this wherever while at the same time used
it at home connected to an outdoor antenna array.