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Old November 27th 05, 02:23 PM posted to,,,
Jan Panteltje
Posts: n/a
Default In Austria Amateurs protest against DSL over powerlines.

Sending DLS (Internet) over powerlines uses either
1.8 to 32 MHz
3 to 21 Mhz.
Of cause in the first case CB is also affected.

The signal strength was measured by the gov, and
found to be 111.639 times the allowed limit....
They had to reduce it a factor 111.639 to make even digital radio
reception (DRM (Digital Radio Mondial) ) possible.

New tests are running, here is an original article in German:

As internet over powerlines is also considered in the US,
I think US amateurs and CB people should strongly protest

These guys got the license to operate 'because it is cable,
and that is not regulated like radio'.
Of cause powerlines are not shielded, and high up there, the
perfect VERY long antennas....

;-) Maybe if the conditions are good you will be able to get free internet
from Austria in the US. ;-)