Best SWL RCVR to buy?
On 27 Nov 2005 04:55:58 -0800, "John S." wrote:
OregonMike wrote:
I'm planning to buy a new rcvr and would love some input on the current
Things that pop into my mind that are a must are
(1) SSB/CW reception
(2) Freq. read out (LCD or whatever)
(3) External antenna support
(4) High sensitiviy and selectivity
I haven't looked at SWL RCVRs in some time and don't really know much
of what's best to get with the ones I'm seeing available to buy online.
I'm not even keen on where the best place to buy on is. Any help or
input would be great!
In addition to the several new radios mentioned you should give
consideration to buying a used receiver such as a Kenwood R-5000, Icom
R71a or one of the Japan Radios. The Kenwood R-5000 is my personal
favorite, but any of the three will provide excellent reception and
have several features that wil help extracting a signal from difficult
listening conditions.
Good luck in the search and be sure to mention the receiver you finally
Thanks for the reply..
I would guess that an r-5000 may be tough to lug around easily like to
the office, living room, patio, and wherenot ...