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Old November 28th 05, 11:42 PM posted to
an old friend
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Default An English Teacher

From: on Nov 26, 4:11 pm
From: on Fri, Nov 25 2005 4:26 pm

Did you work for FCC in 1951, Len? Did you see FCC chuckling
at handwritten letters?

In 1951 I was working at my first full-time job, nowhere
close to DC.

So you don't really know what you're talking about when you
talk about FCC "chuckling" over some comments.

Having seen some of the handwritten "comments" sent in on
the 2,272 filings in WT Docket 98-143 and ALL of the 3,795
filings in WT Docket 05-235, some are a hilarious barrel
of laffs! :-)

[ chuckle, chuckle ]

So you really don't know what you're talking about when
you talk about FCC "chuckling" over some comments.

he can make the same assumetion you can

By the way, Docket 98-143 had 303 ADDITIONAL filings after the
twice-revised final end date of 15 Jan 05, the latest being
made on 5 August 2005! :-)

Why does that matter?

becuase it isn't suposed to hapen at least if it does they are all
supose to have been mailed before the deadline

why does it seem you don't care about the rul of of law when it suits

Oh, right...the ARRL TOLD YOU! Or you channeled St. Hiram on
the subject and you got the number in a vision?

FCC received over 6000 comments on the "incentive licensing" proposals,
Len. Without the internet. That's a fact.

indeed shwoing what a disaster the idea was

how the ARRL tired to kill the ars

The beginning of the solid-state era had begun.

The beginning had begun? Third graders write better than that, Len.

bad jimmie Stevie job is to play speling cop


You weren't a ham then and you're not one now. Morse Code is one
form of excellence in radio, btw - then and now.

only in your opinion and that of others

IMO it has been one of the banes of the ARS for decades
In other words, you had nothing to do with FCC then, either.

"Nothing?!?" Mais non!

Nothing. You didn't work for FCC, didn't have anything to do with
FCC rules for the Amateur Radio Service.

a flat out lie Jim he has had something to do with making the FCC rules
as has Myself Bil Sohl yourself and a couple of thousand others
Had already renewed that First Phone once...through the Long
Beach, CA, FCC Field Office (which was/is in the San Pedro
harbor area). I'd applied for, and gotten two CB licenses (no
test, never was a test for them).

Did FCC ever turn anybody down for a cb permit?

Are you still on cb, Len?

why should he not be on CB

Or did the changes in that service make
it unappealing to you?

Cbers seem by and large politeir than hams with folks they disagree
with they can be a bit vulgar for my taste on the air, but there are 40
channels to choose from

Spacecraft fabrication in a clean room didn't
involve any "FCC licenses." What RF work was needed took
place under government radio regulations, not civil radio.
FCC was not involved in government radio then...or now.

[ chuckle, chuckle ]

No, sweetums, I was NOT opining anything pro/con on morse code
skill as the primus inter pares of amateur radio operating
excellence nor had I any "incentives" for ham radio in 1964.

Like I said - you had nothing to do with amateur radio policy
back then, nor with FCC's regulation of amateur radio...

more lies Jim

Based on my "first job in radio" I already knew that morse
code was a dead end in radio in 1964, 41 years ago.

Well, you were wrong, Len. Because Morse Code is still alive and
well in radio today.

Why bother pursuing a dying technique back then?

Morse Code wasn't "dying" back then and it isn't "dying" now - in
amateur radio, anyway.

not what I hear

How many techniques did you pursue back then which are
long gone - dead - now? Does anybody use 100 wpm teletypewriters
anymore? Do broadcast stations have FCC licensed engineers
on duty while they're on the air anymore? Etc.

Your value system is very clear, Len - if something in radio
took some of your time or effort but didn't pay back in dollars,
you avoided it.

if your statement is accurate (not comenting on that yea or nea) so

you value nothing without involing Morse Code

I think Money is better standard than Code knowledge

you can use money to feed yourself can't do that with morse