C. Crane's Twin Ferrite Antenna
W. Watson wrote:
I bought this antenna on a 30 day trial, and just got it about 12 hours
ago. So far I'm not at all impressed. I live about 150 miles from an AM
station, at 810, in the SF/SJ Bay Area, which has a marginal signal, but
usually listenable. Putting a new PSU in a PC about a month ago
increased the noise in AM radios 70-100' from the PC to an almost
unacceptable level. I had hoped the antenna would boost the signal
enough to knock down the noise. There are times when I can get a good
signal from the station, but certainly less frequently than before.
Any rf noise put out by the computer ps is going to be picked up by
your antenna as well as the radio station you are trying to hear. So a
better antenna (if your new one is indeed better) wil just pick up
stronger power supply noise. It's moslty a null situation.
What you need to do is get that power supply fixed or replaced
- 73 de Mike KB3EIA -