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Old November 29th 05, 07:46 PM posted to
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Default stevie the coward

K4YZ wrote:
an Old friend wrote:
will Stevie ever admit the truth about his lies?

What lies?

all of them

his threats?

What threats?

your threats

his gay bashing?

What gay bashing? Despite stating that you have sex with men, you
claim you're not gay. So which one of your lies is the one you're
using today?

that is gay bashing stevie and OT and just plain proof of your mental

and you racked another lie

his pagan bashing?

What pagan bashing?


his deciet?


What deceit?


his fraud?

What fraud?


his forgeries?

What forgeries?


his evasions?

What evasions?

this whole post is an evasion stevie

his misdirections?

What misdirections?

will stevie come clean about anything?

Come clean about what?

you being liar

Something came to me in that response...And that is that no matter
how many times in any one day YOU matter how many times
you bathed, flossed, brushed, or otherwise engaged in hygenic
practices, you'll still be a liar, and that will NEVER wash off,

obvoiusly you must have been abused as a child you got caught lying and
abused for it

you are as liar

you can't tell the trut

one mintue it is that I an ilerate the the next I am liar
you just can't stand the fact I will not bow down to you

butyour diatribe makes it nothing I can will ever satify you

so the question stands (another of your eveasion) why should I try?

Steve, K4YZ