Stacking Satellite VHF and UHF F9FT Antennas
Hello all,
I actually own a 2x9 VHF and a 2x19 UHF by F9FT (Tonna).
Since I need better performance (especially on VHF) for LEO operations
I was thinking about stacking another antenna identical to the one I
already have.
The suggested stacking distance is 2.77 m. Since I am doing this
upgrade I tought about stacking another UHF antenna too so that I would
have an horizontal mast 3 meters long, with the VHF yagis at the ends
and the UHF yagis in the middle.
I have some questions:
1) Will the UHF yagis create troubles to the VHF since they are in the
2) What kind of real performance increase will I experience on VHF?
3) Can I couple the vertical elements with a coupler and the horizontal
elements with another coupler and then apply a RCHP/LCHP coupling
harness like I would normally do on a single antenna?
Alain De Carolis
iz6byy ww3ww