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Old November 30th 05, 01:33 AM posted to
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Default Why Does Mark Morgan Have Multiple Personality Disorder? Why Can't One Of His "Personalities" Be An Educated Wise Man?

On 20 Oct 2005 02:56:21 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

more_stupid_than_an_old_friend wrote:

stevi lie
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend_lied_about_just_about_everything wrote:

stevi lie
starting out with
"And this is different from any other law...HOW?"

he follows up wit


nobodys old friend
and as amateur they are subject to modifcation by us which proves they
are not laws

Sure they are.

how long will stevie try to maintian this stupid lie


It's not a lie.

it is a lie


stevi lie

And no matter how many times your "cut" or repeat THIS lie, will
it be true, Markie.

stevi lie

why can't he just fees up

cuting Stevie evasion

"cutting", Markie...

two "t's"

Like the REST of the English speaking world.


but then after about 90 he has not admited even to himself that he
lacks any evidence that I should be commited dispite claiming to sent
such to the state of michigan

"committed" "Michigan"

Dip and doddle

dance and swerve

Markie will get

What he deserves

Not today,

nor even the morrow

But it WILL happen,

To his great sorrow.

stevi lie

still holding onto that lie

What lie?

stevi lie

of course Stevie is still lying about not making death threats after 7

I didn't lie and I didn't threaten your life.

stevi lie
stevi lie

And repeating THAT over and over does not make it true, Markie.

stevi lie

Steve, K4YZ

7 lies one post
everyog should be advised that The following person has advocating the abuse of elders
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

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