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Old November 30th 05, 01:19 AM posted to
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Default degen de1103 vs sony icf-sw7600gr

And you failed to mention one of the most important features on the Sony
7600GR that the Degan lacks.
A Synch-Detector that actually works and is unavailable on ANY portable in
its price class.

wrote in message
I have both the DE1103 and the 7600gr. For the past week I have
compared them against my tabletop unit, a Kenwood R-1000. The antenna
selection included a 50 foot outdoor random wire, a sony windup 10
footer, and the degen DE-31 active loop. Listening times varied from
morning, midday and night.

Let me say first that I am pretty suprised with the de1103. For a radio
costing $50, it really is a bargin. The radio feels solid and compact.
Also, I love the anolog look of the LCD. I read the reviews from
Passport, and they panned the de1103's layout. But of late, I've lost
respect for that publication. I have NEVER found their "whats on
tonite" section to have accuate freqs! And their review are somewhat

Things I like about DE1103
1. small size
2. good speaker sound
3. tuning wheel
4.backlight on controls
7.recharger batts included
8. good ear buds included

Things I dont like about DE1103
1. no volume wheel
2. SSB modes not changeable
3.SSB fine tuner is too wide and really touchy, hard to tune
4.SSB not very selective
5. batt springs mushy

Things I like about ICF-SW7600GR
1.small size
2.good speaker sound
3.very good selectivity (except for FM)
4.very good SSB reception (for portable)
5.very good MW reception (for portable)
6 ajustable attenuator ( good for long wire use)

Things I dont like about ICF-SW7600GR
1. no tuning wheel
2. odd scanning functions
3. no built-in batt recharger
4. no tone control wheel
5. local time 24:00 only
6.LCD too small

I like both radios. The sony is a little better overall and a lot
better on SSB. The Degen is smaller and more fun to tune-around with.
The Degen wins the "bang for the buck" award. The sony does a better
job of pulling in weak signals.

PS.. the degen DE-31 active loop is complete crap! The whip alone is
MUCH better!

All the Best John in San Antonio Tx..