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Old July 6th 03, 02:35 AM
S. Miller
Posts: n/a

Been a while since I owned a KAM, but I believe that there may be a
physical jumper on the circuit board that selects normal or inverted CW
keying. Sorry, no manual so I can't say which one, but it may be visually
apparent by following the CW key line back through the circuit.

Fred King wrote:

I'm trying to get my Dad's Kam Plus working with his Ten-tec
Omni-D. Weird problem: In CW mode, the keying is inverted.
Turning the Ten-Tec to CW (usually works fine with straight
key), the carrier comes ON solid, and is keyed OFF by the
active times of an "O", for example.

The KAM "INV" command applies only to RTTY, ASCII / AMTOR.

What is going on here?? IsThere another KAM command I can't

This is supposed to be a plain Reed Relay contact.. I can't
see how it can be inverted except in firmware somehow.

Any help, pointers, suggestions greatly appreciated.

Thanks es 73,

Terry King WB1FQH for N1UF