was stevie the subject of a pedophile?
I can't lie and accuse you of being a pedophile, and I can lie quite
well but that is beyond my abilty to type
Oh, but you HAVE!
Starting off in the last 36 hours with your bombardment of the NG
and your stories about my dad
I can only express my hoor that stevie contiues to show clear sign of
having been the victum of a pedophile be that person his dad or someone
if this is the case then I would be sympathletic if Stevie had not been
enaged in his multi year jihad agianst me
assuming I am right the poer course for me would seem to be to provoke
stevie further along these line till he breaks down and get help
if this is not the case then it is not reason to stop my own effort to
get stevie syop his lie-athon