OFF TOPIC, but how do y'all read these news groups?
Note the multi-group posting.
For 18 years, I've been reading newgroups on Unix (or Linux) machines,
first using "rn" (readnews) and later "nn" (netnews), but now my ISP
(Kansas State University) has notified me that, because their news server
is getting old and because I'm one of only a very few users, they are
dropping the service as of 28 December.
So I need to find an alternative way of getting my daily "fix";
I sure hope someone has suggestion(s)!
--Myron A. Calhoun.
Five boxes preserve our freedoms: soap, ballot, witness, jury, and cartridge
PhD EE (retired). "Barbershop" tenor. CDL(PTXS). W0PBV. (785) 539-4448
NRA Life Member and Certified Instructor (Home Firearm Safety, Rifle, Pistol)