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Old July 15th 03, 03:29 AM
S. Sampson
Posts: n/a

Just get the cheapest Yaesu 2 meter mobile rig. They are usually cheaper
than anything else you can find. I took all my 80's junk and threw it into the
dumpster. That crap was more trouble than it was worth, and I don't want
someone else to suffer.

Just ignore the bells and whistles. It will increase the resale value in 10 years.

"VHFRadioBuff" wrote

Hello all. I am thinking of getting into APRS from the mobile and I was
wondering if anyone can suggest a good APRS rig. This would ONLY be used for
APRS and nothing else, so it doesn't have to be packed with the latest bells
and whistles. I am planing on using my KPC-3 with some sort of Palm device and
running PocketAPRS. Email replies are welcome.