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Old December 2nd 05, 04:14 AM posted to
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Default dave tries to impose his views

On Fri, 02 Dec 2005 02:30:13 GMT, Dave Heil

an_old_friend wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I am not responible for anyone's decison to post

Yes, Mark, you are. You are fully responsible for *your* decision to post.

despite the fact you and Stvie lie and claim I am

You see liars everywhere. According to you, just about no one tells the
truth but you--and you've been known to lie at will.

you are a sack a @$%*

...and you continue to reveal your nature.

you proffess a religious faith then come here and violatew the word of
god in you onw faith

You violate any number of His teachings, Mark.

yes I do but that is not the point

i don't believe he is God therefore I am under no obligation to foolow
his comands
For starters, you reject
Him totally

another lie I do not rejecthim totaly He said many intersting and good

. I'm afraid I can't accept being lectured on Christianity by
a bisexual, polytheistic pagan.

meaning you can't face the fact you DEFY his theaching you defy God
according to your faith

making you a hypocrite

I call that fouling the NG and the planent

I can see that it is your view.

mighty white of you
You have a pretty twisted view of quite
a number of things.

your a re lying again Dave
a true stament is that "you feel ...." or "you belive.." when you say
you have.. you assert youur morality is fact not a matter of faith

but then I am a moral person I obey the teaching of ,y faith YOU don't
follow the ditatse of yours

You're a moral person, Mark?

yes I am
Please explain just how that can be.

by obeying the teachingof my own religion

a moral person lie at will?

I don't lie at will, but maybe you can't see the difference. But I am
taught that Truth or lie are marks of moral or imoral people

It is under my view moral to lie in some circumstances. Indeed that
are time when the only moral coruse I can see is to lie

Does a moral person indulge in sadistic or
masochistic bisexual behavior which can involve human waste?

nothing wrong in with any of that in my religion indeed to me hetero
or homsexual orreintation is imoral by refuses to reconize the devine
nature of mankind in general

What kind
of twisted behavior is that?

now you are just making moral judgement that ONLY your faith has any
valid claim to the stauts of religion or it would apear to
constitutional protection

What sick kind of "faith" are you following?

no kind of sick faith

Dave K8MN

everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders

he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable

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