Why is 'Talk Radio' So Conservative?
On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 14:06:12 -0600, clifto wrote:
David wrote:
On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 22:24:57 -0600, clifto wrote:
David wrote:
On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 16:03:48 -0600, clifto wrote:
The most money is made programming material people want to listen to.
That's conservative talk and information.
What is ''conservative...information''?
News, facts and statistics that the liberal media don't want the public
to hear.
Like for example...
Like Al Gore stepping a short distance into the woods to take a leak, and
getting lost.
Like Al Gore causing an international incident while VP by telling a
racist joke in his speech at an international convention.
No worse than the Shrub and Dickhead Cheney dialog that went:
That guy sure is an asshole.
Yeah, big time.
Excellent role models for the youth of America.
Like the truth behind the liberal chant, "Bush lied".