WND is one of Richard Mellon Scaife Nazi news services. "Truth" is not
on Scaife agenda.
BTW, I can play games with stats too. Lets take 905 deaths divided by
the number of troops. Call it 150k. Then take 2394 deaths in Ca and
divide by 25 million (state population).
905/150000 = 0.6%
2394/25e6= 0.0096%
The ratio of death rates is 63. I'll take my chances in Ca.
RealTime wrote:
In article ,
David wrote:
On Fri, 2 Dec 2005 19:03:56 -0600, "SeeingEyeDog"
wow thats sure a candid confession from the likes world nut daily! best
example yet why the attack on the iraqis was absurd. got a
civil war going on right in america. and bush decides to to go "clean
up a society" somewhere else across the ocean.....what a perverted and
blatant distraction.....paid for with the lives of thousands and
thousand of young human loved ones....awful