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Old December 3rd 05, 11:36 AM posted to,,
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Default FAQ - Important because of the CBers on the RSC Council

Mr W Z Boson wrote:

Pierian Spring wrote:


A little Learning is a dang'rous Thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring.
Alexander Pope

The only thing I think we have on here that's relevant is a spring
full of crocodile tears.

I can remember someone on here who went 'screaming' to 'the plods'
when someone wrote a letter to a family member; who made a complaint
to a university vice-chancellor because an employee sent an e-mail
three minutes after the end of his working day (and so must have
written it in 'works time'); and who approached someone's head teacher
regarding his appearance on here. Doubtless there were other
incidents. He also referred to people who belonged to a tear-or-wrist
organisation as 'noble'. It seems that what was good enough for him is
not too good for anyone else.

Perhaps his latest sock-puppet is a reference to the time he dropped a
ball by saying that a spring-dashpot system was a mechanical analogue
of a coil-capacitor system, because they both exhibit 'resonance'.

Aero Spike

Blair: "(Saddam's) weapons of mass destruction programme is active, detailed and growing. The policy of containment is not working. The weapons of mass destruction programme is not shut down. It is up and running....The intelligence extensive, detailed and authoritative."