Thread: (OT) It's Over!
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Old December 3rd 05, 06:02 PM posted to
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Default (OT) It's Over!

Consider yourself pardoned, with no offense taken; and I humbly request the

In response to your question; Not at all... Knowing God has jack-squat to do
with religion...
Religion generally takes one away from God and the true path of
You have a book of 'instructions'...[the Bible, Koran, or whatever.. I
prefer the former.].... it was put here, and has survived for a reason. Read
it, UNDERSTAND it, and seek to follow THE [not "a"] path of righteousness;
alone, just you and God.
Don't fall prey to religions... they always have their 'secondary' set of
instructions THEY [mortal man] want you to follow.... [by-laws, doctrines,
etc...handle snakes, never cut hair, wear this particular item of clothing,
holy war is OK, that kind of foolishness.]

How many times do you hear people say, "I don't do that, I go to church."?
Millions? Probably.
Here's a news flash: Satan goes to church. It's his freakin' playground.
On the other hand,
How many times do you hear people say "I can't do that, I'm a Christian."
Not much, unless you're surrounded by true Christians.

Seek SALVATION, avoid religion.

Your relationship is meant to be with GOD [Salvation] not a group of people
Associate, fellowship, but never follow Man. [but that's never the case is
it? If you show up twice, they start on ya to "join"....]
Leaders and teachers, preachers or whatever you call them, are simply
guides... not law-makers... they should seek to teach an understanding, not
the meaning. Understanding [the meaning] is where YOU come in, and become
curator of your own soul and its ultimate course. So if you take a wrong
turn and become a
there's no one to blame but yourself or whatever chemical imbalance you may
suffer from. [OFFER unto, not FORCE UPON... if turned away, 'shake the
dust', scootcha booty down the road and don't look back.]

1.. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded
as creator and governor of the universe. [The Force]
2.. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and
worship. [Baptists, Catholics, Lutherans, Hare Christna, Jehovah Witnesses,
Wicca's, Palm readers, psychics,]
2.. The life or condition of a person in a religious order. [Those
consumed with the doctrines/examples/practices mentioned.]
3.. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a
spiritual leader. [Branch Davidians/Jim Jones-ers/Hale Boppers, Benny
Hinn-ers, Yes, Jesus could go here, but folks usually 'join'
something, get sidetracked by man's law, and negate the purpose. But again,
Jesus wasn't just a 'spiritual leader', he was the Son of God, part of the
Holy Trinity.]
4.. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious
devotion. [TAKE NOTE: Ham radio, Hunting, Skiing, Golf,]
I don't see God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit in there anywhere..... [Hint: Look
up Christian.]

At any rate, this could go on for days.... and me thinks we are jamming up a
really good place to swap radios, and upsetting the secular order......
sorry for the OT.... Amen, Hallelujah, next topic...


"Carter-K8VT" wrote in message
Woody wrote:

Best bet is to know Jesus, stockpile weapons/ammo/food, snip

and then Woody wrote:

Eh? I didn't say anything about religion.

Pardon me for pointing it out, but it seems that you might be
contradicting yourself...

Jesus isn't religion ?????????????????????????????????