On Sun, 4 Dec 2005 09:24:48 -0500, "Seeker"
wrote (with possible editing):
It is just a signal to turn a water pump on and off.
After posting to this group a few months ago, I went and brought a much
bigger more expensive antenna (probably 8 feet tall) from the Wireless
System vendor that makes the controls. It did help quite a bit, but I am
still having problems. The system cost over 1,000 dollars.
At the transmitter end "on a water truck" I can't use a directional. But I
could replace the antenna I just brought w/ a directional one.
Is there some sort of formula that tells me getting this type of directional
antenna will give me twice the signal strength of a 8ft tall antenna or
If it's simply used to turn a water pump on and off, there are
probably better ways to do this. For example, an inexpensive solution
would be to use X-10 or other PLC technology. That way, you would
dramatically lower the interference caused by CB channel 11,
particularly when "skip" is in.
What is the distance to your pump? What voltage is it
supplied with?
Yes, gain is expressed in decibels which will tell you how
much stronger a signal will appear compared with either a point source
or omnidirectional, but that still won't be of much help when
atmospheric conditions favor skip.
Larry W1HJF
rapp at lmr dot com
"nitespark" wrote in message
You will probably not need to tune an 11 meter antenna.
I don't know exactly what you are trying to accomplish but I gather it is
not actually dealing with a voice transmission. Perhaps data or a control
signal to turn something on or off at a distance.
Try a small antenna such as a base loaded mobile at the receive end and
the beam at the transmitter end. If that does not work, you may even need
two directional antennas pointed at each other.
If that doesn't work, I would give up on that system and try either a
different frequency band such as VHF or UHF that is authorized for remote
signalling and control. Just be aware, when you start buying those
directional antennas, you can be putting around $100-$150 into each
antenna. You may be ahead of the game to start from the ground up and get
a whole new system that works on VHF or UHF.
Seeker wrote:
Thanks nitespark.
Sorry to everyone if I am posting something controversial. I know upping
the wattage is bad, but I'm only trying to get my pump to work ... plus I
think the EMF field from the powerlines is putting out more watts and
garbage than I could.
I did originally get a better antenna. But it wasn't directional. I will
try a directional.
With the directional CB (11 meter band), does that need to be tuned or
"nitespark" wrote in message
Seeker wrote:
Ouch. : (
I don't think I am a troll. ...A troll is someone who goes to newsgroups
and spreads bad information, right?
Actually, a troll is more of a person who posts some controversial
message, that is usually rumor, speculation or downright false, for the
sole purpose of generating a response of indignation or outrage.
I just thought that you all might be kind enough to help educate me and
help me find some good answers. So far I have gotten a lot of helpful
information.. I'm not to crazy about the acronyms.. sometimes you-alls
responses look like alphabet soup. ; )
Sorry if I am offending anyone. This is a cool newsgroup. Probably as
passionate if not more passionate than the Motocross group I consider
myself apart of.
If in fact you are interested in a directional, gain antenna that will
work on CB (11 meter band), go to Ebay and do a search on "Directional CB
Antennas". You can also do the same search on Google.
FWIW, in my opinion, the Champion Troll of all times has to be "Emilio
Goldstein". I cracked up as I read his messages and the people who
actually believed them.
I have never met a liberal street cop.