Thread: stevie shit
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Old December 4th 05, 06:18 PM posted to,,alt.ham-radio.vhf-uhf,
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Default stevie ****

N8WWM Doug Adair posting as----"moparholic at hotmail dot com is a sissy"
an_old_friend wrote:
killing another rasist thread
Steveo wrote:
cuting something despicatble

Not only is moparholic at hotmail dot com a racist idiot, he is a
serial anger venter. Look at EVERY SINGLE NG he has posted to. EVERY
ONE is filled with threats toward other people. The sissy can't control

Aww, what's a matta dogie? Upset that I took you up on this invitation?
N8WWM mewled anonther idle threat with:

Hey Peepeeholic:
Yes I am in Toledo. I have plenty of down home hospitality for you or
ANY of the other queens in here who wish to stir up some mess.
You wanna come by and visit? I will be delighted to send you back to
the MISTAKE ON THE LAKE with a thought in your mind that it was a real
dumb idea.
Imagine, Peepeeholic...Imagine...You come to my place and star some
junk...I put you face down and hurtin extreme, take pics of you laying
there with a bumped up noggin, and post 'em to the NG. I relish you
coming by. I am good in the callbook, just as I told your wife, the
Have not had this much fun since I used to go cuttin' coax and
building jamming oscillators back when I was 16 yrs old.

When I went to your section eight dump, you were way yonder too cowardly to
come outside, as seen below, so I took -YOUR- pic instead. lol

I've got a new plan for you now that you keep begging for my return. It's
gonna be ****ing hilarious too.
