Thread: SGC-235 Tuner
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Old July 17th 03, 08:40 PM
Posts: n/a

A dumb question, if you want run 700 watts why not buy a tuner designed to
handle 900~1000 watts. That watt rating is the maximum it was designed to
handle. I know that you have heard that X run his xxx watt tuner, xxx watts
over it's rating and has been doing for whatever, But sooner or later, more
likely sooner, you will hear about the catastrophic failure his system had,
and he can't figure out what caused it. But, always remember "You paid for
it, you have right to destroy it"

Jim, kf4tun

"M Wilson" wrote in message

Okay, I think my decision is in... The SGC-235 tuner. Does anyone
have experience running power into this tuner, in excess of the
"rated" 500 watts?

Cecil had a good idea, initial tune with low power, and then add full
smoke later on. My operation will be SSB, peaks at 600-700 watts,
give or take. And yes, I am willing to cap power output at around
600, if need be ;-)

Also, what configuration are you all using? Dipole, or long wire?

Thanks in advance again, and yes, Roy, here I go with the considerable
expense... thanks!