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Old December 5th 05, 01:45 AM posted to
Cmdr Buzz Corey
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Default 27.5 - 28 MHz SSB??

Bill wrote:

Well I'm listening to my RF-2200 here in south Jersey and I am hearing
activity on 27.5 - 28 MHz SSB. It sounds like amateurs and some are in
KY, VA but I haven't ID'd any callsigns.

I know 10m starts at 28.1 and CB ends at 27.40 but does anyone know what
I'm listening to in this range from 27.5 to 28??

Thanks, Bill

You are hearing operators operating illegally on the so-called
'freeband', there is no freeband as these frequencies are allocated to
other services. These are refugees from the cb band who are either to
ignorant to know they are operating on frequencies they are not
authorized to use, or the "I bought this here radio and I can operate it
anywhere I want to" mentality. These are the same ones that encroach
into the ten meter amateur band. They somehow have the misguided notion
that if they own a transmitter they can transmit where ever they please.