the truth about Radio-mart on eBay, judge for yourself
Ebay could drop the private feedback and private bidders feature if
they gave a **** about the buyers. Ebay could provide a feature to only
look at negative feedback (i.e. firefox ebaynegs) if they were
concerned about the buyer.
There is an opening for some other company (google perhaps) to give
ebay some real competition by become a fairer market place. Remember
when ebay dropped the reserve auction feature (a real time waster for
buys and their system) but reinstated it when the sellers complained?
John S. wrote:
Ebay can't police the quality of goods sold...that's up to the buyer
and seller to figure out. Ebay is first and foremost a broker. If
something is illegal, violates property rights, is dangerous or is on a
list of banned goods then they sometimes jump in.