Hi Steven,
Please read the Swan and Siltronix Radio "care and feeding"
information found on my Swan and Siltronix Radio web page.
The drift fix should start off with a good cleaning and
conditioning using the information I describe in the pages.
Don't crack open the vfo box until you've read my information
and asked a few more people for help.
The radio probably hasn't run in a while... it might need
new filter caps in various places. The contacts all need to
be cleaned really well and restored using the proper chemicals
and lubricants.
The unit probably has a lot of moisture build up. When I
rebuild radios... a temp cycle and moisture bake out are
always part of the process.
Email me through the web page or through the yahoo groups
I frequent if you have more questions. You really don't
need the added vfo box mods if you're patient with the proper
: Steven Fritts wrote:
: Hello All,
: I picked up a really nice working Swan 350 at a hamfest this past
: weekend. I bought it for nostalgic reasons as it was the kind of rig
: my dad bought for me in 1965. I need info on how to fix the infamous
: "Swan drift problem". Anyone have any websites I can go to get mods
: for this rig including the drift fix?
: Any help will be appreciated!
: Steve W4SEF