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Old December 7th 05, 01:15 AM posted to
Skipp is a Swan and Siltronix Radio Guy
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Default Need help with Swan 350

Hi Steven,

Please read the Swan and Siltronix Radio "care and feeding"
information found on my Swan and Siltronix Radio web page.

The drift fix should start off with a good cleaning and
conditioning using the information I describe in the pages.

Don't crack open the vfo box until you've read my information
and asked a few more people for help.

The radio probably hasn't run in a while... it might need
new filter caps in various places. The contacts all need to
be cleaned really well and restored using the proper chemicals
and lubricants.

The unit probably has a lot of moisture build up. When I
rebuild radios... a temp cycle and moisture bake out are
always part of the process.

Email me through the web page or through the yahoo groups
I frequent if you have more questions. You really don't
need the added vfo box mods if you're patient with the proper


: Steven Fritts wrote:
: Hello All,
: I picked up a really nice working Swan 350 at a hamfest this past
: weekend. I bought it for nostalgic reasons as it was the kind of rig
: my dad bought for me in 1965. I need info on how to fix the infamous
: "Swan drift problem". Anyone have any websites I can go to get mods
: for this rig including the drift fix?
: Any help will be appreciated!

: Steve W4SEF