First let me say thank you to the folks that have responded, newsgroup and
email. I am posting this, as a reply, to help share not only my findings
but also reflect a summary of what others have said. Like you, with all the
new technology, I wondered can you really tell a difference and is it worth
it. From what I have observed, first hand, it is a major advancement the
new digital features once you know how to use them and actually implement
them on a noisy, crowded band. Without a doubt, to this point, the rig that
is shining above the lot, based upon my own observations, and those of many
email replies many whom actually are lucky enough to have owned two or more
of the radios and used them, is the Yaesu Mark V Field. It is HF only and
doesn't include the 6, 2, and UHF bands but it's amazing at doing what it
does. As for a learning curve ... Sorry there is a steep one with most any
new digital equipment. My suggestion is do what I did, go to the
manufacturer's website, find downloads and actually download a PDF file of
the actual operator's manual for that radio and start reading. This has
been an invaluable asset and somewhat humbling as well. The Yaesu Mark V
field manual is 120 pages itself. The other shock, for me, not that it even
matters given my case is that there are actually some rigs out there selling
from $10,000 to $15,000 for the radio and toss another $10K if you want the
Solid State Amplifier, Tower, and decent Beam. Never mind how they work
figure out the loose nuts within the head if you buy one of these. Oh if
you did buy one then I'd love to be adopted by you as I could never afford
one so if there is a beneficial heart that wasn't to play santa email me and
I'll surely pass along my email address, address and a kind thank you for
making me a happy ham .. Hi hi. Well that's it so far in a nutshell I'm
glad to hear others have been thinking of the same questions as I have.
As for me I would love to have one of the new Yaesu FT DX 9000's or the Icom
IC-7800 so all you lotto winners or generous hams that just like to send
gifts to decent folks I'll gladly forward the shipping address if you like

cause I sure don't have the $15,000 to plop down for one of these
Bentley of a radios.
On 12/6/05 11:38 PM, in article ,
"Mr Fed UP" wrote:
Odd.... I was about to make the same sort of posting!
Not being active for a while, I haven't kept up with all the new digital
and would particularly like to know if any of the rigs are idiot resistant
having blundered a short on the output or what ever. Will all of them load
into a random wire maybe. I haven't even sorted out which have tuners
built in and which need extra power supplies etc for them. It is a long
ways to any "radio store" from Clarksville TN but I guess that is the long
trip to make in the spring after the snow.... Maybe get together a group
for a quantity discount eh. lol Biggest concern is lumping all the bands
into one radio.... it poops out and your down on all the bands while/if
it can be repaired.... I sent an email to ARRL about the write-ups on
the rigs... it is nice with all the tech' fluff but they need to add a list
just what it takes to make the radio play... i.e. tuners, power supplies,
mic's, speakers, typical antenna(S) buy a $2000 radio and a $2
wire antenna, filter? like oil? cost like a car - any 5 year bumper to
bumper warranties? lol Sorry only questions like you... no answers yet.
Listenin on the newsy group for replies....
73 Gary K4TWO
"Gary Kendrick KW4Z" wrote in message
I have made the trip to the local Ham Store and after viewing all the rigs
that they had on the shelves I have limited my choice down to the
three rigs listed below.
If there are any owners of the Radios listed I would love to have your
about your radio and would you buy the same again? Also, if there is a
person, I would appreciate hearing from someone that has owned one, two or
three of the radios listed and how you would compare the lot based upon
operating experience. Also if you had a specific gripe about one?
Rig #1 IC-746PRO by Icom HF, 50M, 2 Mdeters
Rig #2 TS-2000S by Kenwood
Rig #3 Mark-V (FT-1000MP) Field by Yaesu
I have obtained my impressions of each by listening at the controls of
and while two have VHF and one VHF & UHF while the last is HF only
While I am not going to be making a decision for a while I cherish any
from current or past owners on their experiences.