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Old December 7th 05, 04:16 PM posted to,
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Default Peter brainbuster is not who or where he says he is

From: "Peter"
References: 43916238.0@entanet

Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 09:49:06 -0000
Message-ID: 43934e09.0@entanet
X-Trace: 4 Dec 2005 20:14:01 GMT,
Path:!! !!newspeer.publi

No "ping" need be done to see you use a remailer path

What the hell have you been smoking? Once the drugs wear off, take a look at this...

Message-ID: 43934e09.0@entanet

Simple as that... Entanet.
They are the company who my ISP use to provide the servers for the Email, newsgroups and Web
site. No remailer - direct from this computer, through a Freeola Dial-up Modem, to Enternet.

Look again at the path...


Do you see that? "" is a port to the mixmaster
Tonga remailer. Don't pretend it's not. Your hippy-dippy "freeola" dial up
cover story doesn't work here.

From the Enternet server, through whatever path is necessary, to
No remailer.

to allow you 3 levels of encryption,

3 Levels of encryption? Who the hell do you think I am... James f'king Bond???

No you're just a Brummie nerk who desperately wants to hide his past.

and while your IP

It is NOT *my* IP. It was assigned to me for a short period, and ceased to
have any links to me to as soon as I disconnected... immediately after
sending mail.

"appears" to trace to Nykøbing Mors, Denmark
to Amsterdam, and then to London

Yeah, right... wait until the drugs wear off and try again.

Anyone can do the trace. I am not about to post screen shots from my network
analyzer software.

You need to remember that, apart from the final destination, all the listed servers are simply
a way of getting from A to B. Someone pinging from another location may get a totally
different path.
As for the final link, the one that the IP refers to, that is simply the location of the
service provider's servers. If my ISP decided to take my message through the London Enternet
servers, that's nothing to do with me.

you could be ANYWHERE.

So you admit that I could actually be where I say I am. Maybe there is hope that you can find
a way out your dream world.

You could be anywhere but you are probably spending the holidays in Birmingham.
No doubt your family is there, many of whom also are on the dole or M&S disability
pension. Or perhaps you could go back to Lille where you worked as a routier in
the 1970's for a short time and learned your trade.

-the old DejaNews post from Birmingham with your name on it

I am NOT the only Peter in the World. That message, if it was even genuine, was
posted before I even got on the Internet. So, clearly, one of the millions of other
Peters in the World.

-your refusal to answer the 'Birmingham' questions I gave you

I didn't refuse, as I made clear.
It was pointless for many reasons:
1. Graham had already answered them, so answers were there to be seen.
2. They were general knowledge questions, not only known to Brummies.
(If only Brummies know the answers then you must be a Brummy.)

It was not designed to test the correctness of the answers. Just your reactions to
the questions. The fact you let Graham "go ahead of you in the queque" spoke

3. We are all on the Internet... anyone can Google Search for the answers.
4. You asked those same questions a few years back, and I gave you
answers to the ones I knew.

Ha ha, I don''t think so. But nice try. Prove it.

5. If I do not know the answers, you will simply say I am lying so that you
can remain in your dream world.
6. In your sick mind, you are convinced of your own silly story and will
never accept the truth. You wouldn't recognise the truth if it kicked
you in the nads.

The truth is that you are Brum and you should admit it. There are probably
photos of you astride the brass bull in Brum City centre ****ed out of your mind.

-your published dislike of Blair

Prove I dislike him.
Prove that only Brummies dislike him.

I never said only Brummie dislike him. But you dislike him. Under your "Beverly
Swollocks" alias you once wrote 'I want to have his baby".

-your hasty Peak District cover story

Prove it is a "cover".

I don't have to prove a thing. You trumped up the Peak District story to salve your
chums in the uk cb newsgroup. I don't know why you did it, or why you are ashamed
of your Brum connexions. It's not for me to prove how or why, although I can guess.

your unusual familiarity with M&S employee policies

Prove it, where do I display any knowledge of their employee policies?

You said "poorly paid M&S vannie". I never said you were poorly paid -- BUT YOU
ADMITTED TO IT --- a fact that most people wouldn't know. And you know EXACTLY
how much an M&S vannie gets paid - because YOU WAS ONE!

Prove that M&S only exist in Birmingham.

I never said that. But you worked for them after you got fired from Selfridges.

Prove that their only jobs are driving vans.

I never said that neither. But you did drive a van with St. Michaels on it.

you admit to living in Brum, driving a van, etc

Prove it.

I will not go digging up the posts where you complain to your buddies in
the uk cb group about making ends meet on "an M&S vannie's salary",
you know they are there, anyone can find them.