when will Dave stop claimingI am responible for what other people post
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December 9th 05, 03:32 AM posted to
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Steve concerned about the number of Mark's postings.
On 8 Dec 2005 16:03:20 -0800,
K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
more lies slander boring Stevie
Definitely a lie. Steve has started more new threads (spam) than
anyone around, usually to lie about another, or to call them names.
Not truthful, Brain.
Cecil may have the all time record number of postings, but you are the
original "new thread starter" and usually to call names or to put forth
another new lie.
But then you've got that reputation, so what's new about
Only you claim that I have that reputation.
Now he cries like a little girl about getting a mega-dose of it back.
Poor little Steve.
Who's crying?
I am torn between the "ROTMFF" laughter over his exploits to being
angered that he's conducting himself in such a way as to create havoc
for everyone else.
You've never concerned yourself with anyone else when starting new
threads with lies and name calling, so why start now?
I get the distinct impression that he think's he's somehow causing
ME a problem...And again he'd be so "wrong" on so many levels!
Everyone else is just wrong, Wrong, WRONG!
What's "boring" is watching you humiliate yourself, Markie.
So...When you going to apologize to the other users and resume
adult-like conduct?
I dunno. It's kind of interesting seeing someone "out-###hole" you, Steve.
Oh, Brain! You understimate your Feeble Five Bretheren! Markie
has surpassed you, me, Lennie, Frankie, and a handful of others all
rolled into one!
I didn't think it was possible for anyone to out-asshole you. Sounds
like you've admitted defeat.
And I don't think Mark's even close to being done.
Probably not. It's really hard to get people like Markie to
That's "Mark."
forget about themselves and "do the right thing". I am sure Markie has
a whole lot more "###holing" to do before he realizes that the only one
applauding him is himself.
You're only partially correct.
My best guess is that you've really ****ed him off. Can't imagine why.
You can't imagine why and I couldn't care less...What a combo.
You need to answer Mark's question about what a person's sexual
orientation has to do with amateur radio and why you change
attributions and accuse people of "raped an old friend," pedophilia,
I A N S W E R E D his "question" Brain.
So? Answer it again. This time without lying.
But since you are now telling others what they "need" to do, are WE
ever going to get the questions about Somalia, unlicensed devices,
ARES, etc etc etc answered?
Seven hostile actions?
Maybe once you apologize for being a jerk and promise to behave
yourself... he will abate the very treatment that you dish out to
others. Strange that you don't like it in-turn.
I have nothing to apologize to Mark Morgan for, Brain...
You do. You have persecuted Mark.
He was asked for an apology for the stalking, death threat, "I am
a Colonel", stories for YEARS now and not a single one has been
The "in-turn" is being delivered to him, not vice versa.
"And again you'd be so "wrong" on so many levels!"
But it's up to Mark to accept your apology.
What apology?
That's right. Where is it?
Meanwhile, I'm waiting for a seperate apology...
There you go with delusions of granduer, Brain.
misssed it delusions he goes on about
Steve, K4YZ
As you wish.
everyone should be advised that The following person
has been advocating the abuse of elders making false charges of child rape, rape in general forges post and name
he may also be making flase reports of abusing other in order to attak and cow his foes
he also shows signs of being dangerously unstable
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