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Old December 9th 05, 03:37 AM posted to
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Default One Class of Amateur Radio License?

On 8 Dec 2005 17:19:44 -0800, wrote:

From: on Dec 7, 5:28 pm
From: Bill Sohl on Dec 6, 6:11 am
wrote in message

I'm not convinced that a "starting path" is necessary.

The alternative would be to eliminate all license classes except
the Amateur Extra, and require all new hams to meet all the
requirements of the Amateur Extra without any intermediate

The ONLY alternative? :-)

If you don't want to lower the written test requirements, yes.

which is of course an opiton

yes that course of action has it price but cleally it benifits as well

It isn't logical to have ONE license labeled "Extra." :-)

Then call it something else.

While some can and would do so, it's clearly not the
best way to do things.

Firstly, having grades or levels of license is too
much like the traditional union concept of work with
levels of apprentice-journeyman-master.

Not really.


No, not REALLY.

yes realy

as an extra yourself you are not in postion to realy know Len and in
this case myself esp are in the best postion to know

Amateur radio is NOT an occupation.

Who said it was?

If a person can meet the requirements of the
higher class licenses, they can go right to General or
Extra. The apprentice-journeyman system doesn't allow
that, except perhaps in extraordinary circumstances.

Says who? The only Guild I have a card for doesn't
require those levels.

That's an extraordinary circumstance.


Every month, a few dozen new licenses are issued to
Generals and Extras. While that number is small
compared to those who start out as Technicians, it
proves that at least some new hams bypass one or both
upgrading steps.

Why does one have to "upgrade" through license

One doesn't. Anyone can "go for the Extra right out of the box".
You haven't.

"Upgrading" can be done for oneself, to
keep abrest of technology advancements (see the
old "Amateurs Code" on that).

How about keeping abreast of correct spelling? ;-)

shove it if you are goignt o play spelling cop

If there were only ONE license, there would be no
"upgrading" via licenses, would there?


And if there were only one license, regardless of
what it would be called, its test(s) would
have to contain everything that is now contained in
the three written tests for the Amateur Extra.

no it would not

Otherwise the standards would be reduced.

that isn't even true a lot of the material in the exists test drops
out iin a one class license system

and other matter become redundant as well, like obviously no need for
clas absed who can ve question and a lot fot he stuff in the test now
is pretty repitious

So what you propose is that all new amateurs would
have to pass the equivalent of all the written tests
for the Amateur Extra all at once, just to get an
amateur radio license.

nope he does not nor do I

I susgest a license test be created thatmeet the nees of the ARS under
the system regardless of how hard or easy it is

Is that what you want?

nope more of your strwmen
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